Nymphenburger Praxis für
Plastische & Ästhetische Chirurgie
Dr. med. Felix Graf von Spiegel
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Umbilical hernia surgery for navel correction

An umbilical hernia is a protrusion of abdominal fat or, in rare cases, bowel loops through a gap in the abdominal wall in the navel area. This is externally visible on a small or larger bulge on the navel. Not infrequently, an umbilical hernia is a consequence of pregnancy, in which the abdominal wall is driven apart and thus a possibly existing small gap at the navel can be widened.

Not every umbilical hernia is dangerous

Only in the rarest cases, when bowel loops are stored in the hernial sac and can be pinched, the situation is dangerous. Not so rare, however, the bump in the navel is perceived as aesthetically displeasing and there is therefore a desire for a correction.

We are happy to assist you at our Clinic for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Nymphenburg Munich, for a personal consultation on a planned umbilical hernia surgery.

Dr. von Spiegel is delighted to be here for you!

General information on umbilical correction

Surgery time: approx. 30 min.
Anesthesia: General
Duration of clinic stay: 2-3 nights in the clinic
Sociability following surgery: after 10-14- days
Ability to work: after 1 week
Sports: after 6-8 weeks
Pain: medium
Stitch removal: self-dissolving stitches
Compression underwear: Compression Corset to be worn for 6 weeks day and night
What is an umbilical hernia?

Many also refer to this as a rupture. The umbilical hernia, (lat. Hernia umbilicalis) is the same as the condition that affects the groin, but in the navel. A hernia lies in a weak spot in the abdominal wall. Through this so-called hernial orifices,  tissue from the abdominal cavity can be stored in the so-called hernial sac. From the outside, this is visible as a more or less large bump. In most cases, the contents of the hernial sac consists of abdominal fat. For larger sacs, parts of the small or large intestine may also be present in the hernial sac.

How is an umbilical hernia formed?

The prerequisite for a hernia is a weak spot in the abdominal wall. The navel is a natural weak spot. Frequently, an umbilical hernia occurs immediately after birth and recedes within the first few months of life. Before birth, the child is connected via the vessels of the umbilical cord with the mother. After birth, this is separated and the remnant is the navel. Thus, there is a weak spot of the abdominal wall here. Through certain factors that increase the pressure in the abdominal area, this weak spot can expand to a gap and making an umbilical hernia. In cases of heavy obesity and pregnancy in particular, increased pressure loads occur in the abdomen. Genetic factors also play an additional role.

What symptoms indicate an umbilical hernia?

In most cases, the umbilical hernia is relatively small and the contents of the hernial sac consist only of mesentery fat. In these cases, there is no pain and the contents of the sac can also be pushed back into the abdominal cavity. However, if the breakage gap and the hernial sac are larger, bowel loops can accumulate and possibly be clamped. If the hernia turns acutely dark or pain recurs, this may be a sign of a hiatal hernia. This is an acute emergency requiring rapid treatment.

Diagnosis of an umbilical hernia

As a rule, an umbilical hernia can easily be recognized from the outside. An examination in a standing and sitting position by a doctor should be carried out. If the contents of the hernia can be repositioned or pertruded due to a cough, the diagnosis is confirmed. Imaging procedures such as ultrasound or CT examinations confirm the diagnosis or unclear findings.

Umbilical surgery - what procedures are there?

If an umbilical hernia occurs during pregnancy, it can spontaneously regress after birth. In the case of persisting umbilical hernia, surgery may be desired or may be necessary in the case of some symptoms. Which surgical technique is used depends on the size of the hernia. Frequently, umbilical hernias are also corrected as part of a tummy tuck. If an asymptomatic umbilical hernia is operated for aesthetic reasons, it is usually minor hernias. Here, the skin incision is semicircular around the navel. From there, the fracture sack is displayed, the hernia content is transferred back to the abdominal cavity and the gap is stitched. As a rule, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. If the hernia is larger, it may be necessary to install mesh for stabilization. Frequently, the procedure is minimally invasive (laparoscopically).

What to watch out for after a navel correction

After being discharged, you iwll need to present at regular intervals during our office hours.
As a rule, pain is limited. With cooling and painkillers, e.g., ibuprofen the pain should be alleviated within a few days. Prolonged “tweaking” or “weather sensitivity” are normal and no cause for alarm.
It is very important at this stage to consistently wear your compression underwear.

Sport and activities that put strain on the abdomen and buttocks should be avoided for six weeks.
For scar therapy silicone gel is recommended. In the case of unsightly scarring, silicone patches may be required.