Nymphenburger Praxis für
Plastische & Ästhetische Chirurgie
Dr. med. Felix Graf von Spiegel
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Mummy Makeover

Pregnancy and childbirth bring happiness and many new and special things to a woman’s life. Pregnancy and lactation, however, also take their toll on the mother’s body: relaxation of the breasts, a bulging stomach and unruly fat deposits are frustrating and permanently reduce self-esteem.

Get back to your old self with a Mummy Makeover

Through a combination of surgery on the breasts, abdomen, hips and flanks, we can help women safely and effectively achieve the body they had before becoming pregnant.

The Mummy Makeover addresses the areas of the body that are particularly affected by pregnancy and lactation. These are usually breasts, abdomen, hips and thighs.

The most common procedures are:

Combining multiple procedures in one operation offers tremendous benefits: shorter surgery times, faster recovery overall, and faster, better results at a lower cost.

We are happy to assist you at our Clinic for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Nymphenburg Munich, for individual and detailed information in a personal consultation. Knowing your wishes and expectations for the change of your breasts enables us to plan and implement a tailor-made approach.

Dr. von Spiegel is delighted to be here for you!

Before your Mummy Makeover

During your consultation you will be fully examined and an individually tailored plan to achieve the best possible result for you will be worked out with you.
The latest state-of-the-art techniques are applied to achieve superior results while minimizing postoperative pain and convalescence. Your safety and well-being are our top priority.

The combination of various procedures in one operation is scientifically proven to be safe and effective.

As with any surgery, you should follow the pre- and postoperative behavioral guidelines recommended to you. Above all, it is important that you do not smoke and give your body the necessary rest for it to heal.

After your Mummy Makeover

In the first phase after the operation you have to take two weeks rest. This phase is characterized by mild hematomas, swelling and numbness of the skin. Experience has shown that the pain is limited and can be well managed by the prescribed pain medications. Although mothers are anxious to take care of everyone else, now is the time for your family and friends to look after and pamper you. You can look forward to the final results of your Mummy Makeover within three to six months.